Kanadensiska banken Jaguar Financial som vill stoppa HudBays bud på Lunding Mining, går till svars mot de uttalanden som Lundin Mining gjort om Jaguar Financial.
"Lundin Mining ljuger"
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Lundin Mining ser stora fördelar med att bli uppköpt av HudBay, och har avfärdat Jaguar Financial med bland annat följande uttalande.
”Det senaste året har Jaguar Financial tagit initiativ till flera fientliga uppköpsbud som misslyckats. De har lagt dessa fientliga bud, men inget av dem har genomförts.”
Här är Jaguar Financials svar på det:
”We would like to respond to Lundin’s comments of the 4-5 hostile takeovers that they claim failed.
As the merchant banking history memo that I sent to you provide some details, of our 5 take-over bids within the last year that they must be referring to:
i) Virtek Vision: No take-over bid was actualy made, Jaguar was succesfull in creating value through its interventions as a third party launched a bid for Virkek subsequent to Jaguar’s involvement. Jaguar realized an annualized gain of 87% on its investment.
ii) High Desert Gold: This bid was launched through Northern Financial Corporation, who owns 12.6% of Jaguar. Northern was successful in creating value in this transaction as the Special Committee of High Desert Gold carried out its responsibility of finding the best value for shareholders when they chose to make a substantial issuer bid of $0.27 per share. Northern will earn an annualized return of 240% on its investment of High Desert Gold upon the closing of the issuer bid.
iii) Century II Holdings: Subsequent to Jaguar making its offer for Century II at a price of $6.75 per share, a third party bidder acquired Century II for $10.20 per share. Jaguar made $10.2 million and earned an annualized return of 189%.
iv) Telehop: Subsequent to Jaguar launching its bid for Telehop, a third party bidder engaged Telehop in exclusive negotiations for the purpose of pursuing an acquisition.
v) Royal Laser: Subsequent to Jaguar’s bid for Royal Laser, Royal and Jaguar, collectively with Lakeside Steel Inc. announced that the three companies would pursue strategic opportunities together.
As you can see, we have a very strong track record of creating value in our transactions, and that value creation is shared amongst all of the shareholders of the companies that we have pursued.
Craig Rogers
Investment Banking Associate
Northern Securities Inc.”
Craig Rogers är medarbetare till Jaguar Financials vd Vic Alboini som är frontfiguren i Jaguar Financials motstånd mot HudBays bud på Lundin Mining.
Northern Securities är kopplat till Jaguar Financial. Alboini äger knappt 8 procent av Jaguar Financial direkt, och ytterligare knappt 4 procent indirekt via sitt aktieinnehav i Northern Financial Corporation.
Realtid.se har sökt Lundin Mining för en kommentar.
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